1. Must Blog for each class session.

2. Must be a minimum of five complete sentences.

3. Must have correct spelling and punctuation.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

8/20/2012 - April salas

Today we took many notes and the presentation was pretty long. But in the end I know everything will be worth it. I want to understand writing from another point of view and from this class I know I'll get it. I'm very happy to see old classmates I feel comfortable in learning. As for taking notes my hand hurts a lot .


  1. My hand was hurting too, I was trying to write as fast as i can and now my paper look like a little kid was taking notes.

  2. It is my goal to bring the art of writing from a no-non-sense perspective. I am so happy to have you as my student once again :)

  3. OMG. My hands were hurting too! Thats why i started taking pictures of the presentation with my phone.Who knew note taking can be so much work...


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