1. Must Blog for each class session.

2. Must be a minimum of five complete sentences.

3. Must have correct spelling and punctuation.

4. Must attach a photo that resonates your Blog post.

5. Must comment to at least one of your classmates Blog post.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today in class we did are lesson number three. Which I didn't do so well. I was so lost and I did my best I kept reading it over and over just to try an understand and tell which is which. is it a S, ROS, F or CS. 
to the point I didn't even get to finish writing the sentences and as for my speech it's okay I just need to do a little bit of rewriting.


  1. TOTALLY UNDERSTAND... But, the whole class didn't do so well. NO WORRIES.... Speech # 2 is gonna be great... Can't till Monday, see you then..


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