1. Must Blog for each class session.

2. Must be a minimum of five complete sentences.

3. Must have correct spelling and punctuation.

4. Must attach a photo that resonates your Blog post.

5. Must comment to at least one of your classmates Blog post.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The other day in class we redid some correcting so that Mrs.Q could input some grades. After that we did Lesson 4, but I didn't do too good. I mixed up the letters at the end. After that, I believe we discussed how we would make up for a class since Mrs.Quichocho's son is returning. In a way, I don't mind canceling class that day because it's my mom's birthday, and we get to celebrate it with my dad this time! I know how it feels to have a family member back, it's always a good feeling! I hope Mrs.Quichocho's son comes back safe! 

- We took this picture of my family, on the night my dad came back from Kuwait. (:

1 comment:

  1. I hope we could make up class for that day. I think I did good on Lesson 4. I think I did.


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